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Old April 10th, 2002
afisk afisk is offline
LimeWire Developer
Join Date: May 6th, 2001
Location: New York
Posts: 691
afisk is flying high

??? I deny the lies of the past because I didn't lie about anything. It's like me accusing you of lying about something right now. What would you do??

Abused Gnutella clients? I still just don't get it. Stop playing the victim. It's an open protocol with open proposols that get approved by a standards body and implemented by those involved. If we were abusing other Gnutella clients, don't you think they'd mention it? We talk with them every day, and all we discuss on this issue is how to make UltraPeers work better ant the details of how they can implement them. Abuse? Not a peep. If there were abuse, we would have worked it out in the process of creating the UltraPeer protocols in the first place, because no one would have tolerated it.

Honestly, I just think you like the idea of having a little rebel network, and I think that's fine. Just don't go trying to bring down people who really don't deserve it. Just create an alternative network and leave whatever bitterness behind. Making interesting technology is the fun part, and I really thiink that's somehow gotten lost in all of this. I would honestly be really excited and impressed if you made a network that had really cool, innovative ideas in it that have not been implemented before because, again, that's the fun part.

Take care.
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