Hi There, Thank you so much for your response to my plea for help but unfortunately that won't work. You see, where the search results show at the top of the screen like this:
**EDIT** 21/1421
only the 21 results show and the 1421 are nowhere to be found. I have done a scan and there was one Trojan which deleted. I did a second one just to be safe and that is clean and tried again. Unfortunately it has not cleared the problem.
As to the Bitzi. I am afraid I am not very computer literate but have looked at everything. As you will realise though, if the results on the right hand side of the forward slash which are the good ones aren't showing, there is no way you can right click on something which isn't there. It is as if something is filtering out the previously shown search results and they are just not anywhere because they flash up onto the screen and then just as quickly disappear and that right hand number increases so that you have a huge number of results somewhere but where? And almost none showing. I just couldn't get the Bitzi to work. I couldn't register.
Sorry I am such a nincompoop! It is so frustrating when all I want to do is download a movie to watch and can't even do that because there is something else wrong with my computer and the sound sort of jerks.
And on top of all that, I am a disabled pension who is literally financially destitute and who can't afford to pay anyone to help me fix it all. I am housebound and rely on it so much but it is playing up. It all makes life a bit miserable.
Thank you again.