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Old September 7th, 2008
Rich6702 Rich6702 is offline
Join Date: September 7th, 2008
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Rich6702 is flying high

Originally Posted by sdaswani View Post
For those who are having trouble connection to the Gnutella network using LimeWire, we have a potential fix. You need to delete your WHOLE LimeWire preferences directory. The directory can be found in the following locations:


C:/Documents And Settings/your_username/.limewire


Please shutdown any instance of LimeWire you may have running, delete the whole directory, and then restart LimeWire. You should be able to connect.

I'd love to hear how this works for everyone.

Susheel Daswani
Software Engineer
Lime Wire LLC

Worked for me thank you ..... wish i found you first know one else had any advise on how to fix it you are the best .....

so once again Thank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank Youthank
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