> Not all clients can act as superpeer (not enough bandwith, CPU
> <snip>
If a client is incapable of acting as an Ultrapeer, it can either continue to operate as a regular peer or connect to an Ultrapeer as a Leaf client.
> so not all Limewire users can act as superpeers
This is why (in LimeWire) you can disable Ultrapeer functionality, and the user will become a shielded leaf node.
> so you get a mix of superpeer and normal clients.
Can you give me technical reasons why this is a bad thing?
> What do you wanna cluster, superpeers away from normal
> client?
I see... Ultrapeers are not completely seperating themselves from regular peers. AIUI, Ultrapeers are fully capable of connecting with regular peers.
> exactly what was the idea behind superpeers, to balance and
> reduce load and traffic.
Ultrapeers shield low bandwidth users from high amounts of traffic. When Ultrapeers are clustered together, the possible search horizon is increased.
I agree with Rapheal Manfredi (sorry if I spelled that wrong) that Moak, and users of both sides are not listening to eachother. |