Don't ignore reality This thread is going into a blatant Limewire commercial.
The technical things become mixed up, at the end it looks like Limewire never had or never lied about Spyware/Scumware, clustering of Limewire-only-clients is needed because of a over-complex less-efficient Superpeer concept (which Ultrapeers are IMHO), the commercial vendors do have a friendly politics and do not disadvantage other. Best rumours I heard this week. Gnutellaforums become as controlled as GDF is, I'm sorry that technical skilled developers do not speak up. Even if the pro speaker flood with more posts.... can't ignore Gnutella development is snail slow, inefficient and you can't ignore users and developers are unpleased about Bearshare/Limewire, which causing a spilt in Gnutella.
This thread reminds me so much to Microsoft. First every new competitor will be ignored, when it grows it will be badmouthed, then tryed to be blocked and finally flooded with wrong information and propaganda. Making windows non-modular so the MS midware is a must have, is like creating an unnecesary strange superpeer concept so you need to cluster your own clients (even old clip2 reflector showed you don't). Well, with a big enough market share you can try to dominate with such politics, but this is not the Gnutella idea. I learned from MS/Unix, fighting against comercial propaganda makes less sense... instead we have to show it can be done better, more efficient and with more technical inovations.
Join a open source project and fight the greed.
Do not cooperate with Bearshare and Limewire, make Gnutella a fair place.
Have fun, Moak
"As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy." (Abraham Lincoln)
"Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est." (Aurelius Augustinus)
Last edited by Moak; April 11th, 2002 at 09:42 AM.