I am having a lot of trouble trying to delete a couple of incomplete (preview) movies that I downloaded from Limewire a couple of months ago.
Every time I click on the preview movie in question there is NO option in the drop down list to delete it from my pc, which is very frustrating. I can't understand why I am able to delete other movies but not these 2, therefore, it still shows up in my movies downloaded section when I click on search in windows.
It also comes up with a message saying something like: 'Cannot delete this file as it is being used by another program' 'Please close down the program and try again' - or something like this.
Now, I did actually delete Limewire altogether from my pc a little while ago as I was having connection problems with it, so I downloaded limewire again and it works ok now. I wondered if this was part of the problem?
I also had Real Player (the old version not sure how old though), already installed on my pc, and this was set as my default player, so the movies would open in them.
Well, since I have also deleted Real Player (which I wish I hadn't done now), and have since downloaded another version from the net, which doesn't allow me to copy movies anyway!
I just don't know what to do now as I just want these logos with the title of the movies gone from my pc for good please.
Can anyone please please help me with this, and what I am supposed to do as I not very pc savvy?
Also, does anyone know where I can get a FULL working version
EDIT, that actually allows you to copy movies onto disc? I don't care which version it is.
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