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Old September 29th, 2008
glen123 glen123 is offline
Join Date: September 25th, 2008
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Default no download speed reading 0kb

#3 (permalink)

I am going to try this one again before I delete limewire its driving me crazy ive been trying for 4 days to fix this problem but without any success

My setup

windows xp

windows firewall which I turn off but the firewall sign is still in front of the world sign. I did have norton firewall but Ive removed it because I thought this was the problem. I have also allowed limewire in my firewall windows settings.

my provider is aol

my rooter is wireless netgear 54 mbps adsl Dg834g v3

I have 2 hard drives one reads 95% free the other is 45% free
I have a sony vaio computor pentium 3.19ghz 512 mb ram

conection is from my home

aol virus checker

the only firewall i have is windows which does not make any change to L/M when i turn it off
Version limewire pro 4.9.33 java 1.6.0._07

i did have norton but i have deleted it

My limewire has worked fine for a few years without problem then all at once its stop downloading the speed is reading 0 although the turbo charged lights are displayed. I don't understand why the firewall wall is displayed when I have turned it off in my windows settings.? could this be the problem. i can still download but it takes 45 mins to download 1 tune.

Any ideas ? is there a wizzard fix you can download for limewire?

HELP!! please



*Thread need to post the same problem twice. It just causes confusion. Keep all your posts in 1 place & be patient - people will answer you when they have time.

Last edited by birdy; September 29th, 2008 at 09:24 PM. Reason: Merging thread
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