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Old October 3rd, 2008
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Originally Posted by potterygirl1 View Post
I am soooo frustrated. I had LW running fine. Upgraded to 4.18 now can't connect. I did the firewall thing, nothing. I cleared all my inactive stuff. I am clean as a whistle, can't get on at all.
Starting a new thread with your problem would have been better. This thread topic is not so much about connecting although Purging incompletes can definitely help. Remove your previous OSX Firewall setting & re-add it for 'this' new version of LW. I found I needed to do this for different versions of Phex. BTW if you still have the older installer version of LW, don't be afraid to reinstall it. Else, PM me & I can get you a copy. Drag & drop your newly installed LW program to trash before reinstalling if you choose to downgrade.
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