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Old October 10th, 2008
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vaisforlovers vaisforlovers is offline
Join Date: September 27th, 2008
Location: TX on a 140acre farm in the middle of nowhere, have cows and plenty of babies. goats, horses (just got 2 new horses that belong to his son) hope to ride on day
Posts: 14
vaisforlovers is flying high

I don't even have a preference folder. I have never been able to open LW. I had no problems with the download nor installation. I even have bought LW pro for 6 months. Have written tech support and they have not even answered. What did I pay all that money for.
I went to my Java in the control panel and updated to 7???? assuming that is 1.7. Have a feeling that is screwing everything up but I still could not open LW with 1.6 so I don't know what the problems are. Do other download programs interfere ie MP3Rocket?(that said it was unable to work with the present version of iTunes. I am so confused I am ready to throw all of this down the drain. Even the stupid iPod shuffle.
Any help appreciatied.
Windows vista premium, 2gb memory, 60gb hard drive
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