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Old April 11th, 2002
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Abaris Abaris is offline
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Default Re: stuff

Originally posted by Nosferatu
You say "even if all bears were clustered together, that wouldn't necessarily mean that it hurts the network." So how does it hurt the network if we cluster all non-Bears in response?
So we want to block him back? Is that so unusual?
You did not get my point. The Bearshares are clustered together, but the bearshare cluster as a whole is still perfectly connected to the gnutella sphere. that means every XoloX client can connect to a Gnucleus or LimeWire client that is connected to Bearshare. Therefore, search packets of one of them do reach the other, and indeed, Bearshare and XoloX clients CAN download from each other.

What you are doing is a completely other thing. You do not block Bearshare. If you only did that, i wouldn't have said anything. You guys are creating a totally different network, thereby blocking every gnutella user who is not willing to join your ideological crusade. by blocking one or two clients, like vinnie does, the network as a whole stays perfectly connected. how many clients do you think you are blocking? counting all the discontinued and experimental ones, and every noncommercial client that is not opensource, i guess it will be about ten different clients. for what reason? once again, i can't see anyone abusing the network. i do suspect vinnie of doing so, but i have no final proof for that, and even if he did, he has never gone as far as splitting completely off gnutella.

Originally posted by UnUnregistered
Some abuse Gnutella today and create their own (proprietary) spheres inside Gnutella, they take the users and files away from other vendors, they hurt them.
they create clustered subspheres, right. but they still stay connected. and there is no proof at all that they take files away from other vendors and clients. actually, using gnucleus, i happened to download from bearshare at multiple times.

You should be happy to have our input.
please, nos, do not tell me what i should be happy for.
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