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Old October 14th, 2008
ccorr ccorr is offline
Join Date: October 14th, 2008
Posts: 1
ccorr is flying high
Default Unable to load incomplete downloads

I've been using Limewire for several years now, but just today ran into this problem. Normally when I start Limewire, it will try to download any incomplete downloads I've accumulated over time, even before trying to download new files. Usually a given file doesn't work and I get the "Need More Sources" or whatever the message is in the status, but it stays there and attempts to download it again when I start up LW the next time. I wanted to keep this list because:

a) once in a while it IS able to start downloading files that it wasn't before (it finds a source)

b) it is a reminder to me what I've tried to get but haven't been able to, so if I want I can do another search and sometimes find the same thing with a slightly different name.

A few hours ago when starting up, I get a msg something to the effect "Unable to load incomplete downloads", and all my old/incomplete downloads seem to have disappeared. This does make it faster to get new files, because the new files are no longer queued behind the dozends of old ones, but I still want those old files in my list.

Why did this happen? I assume there is some text file somewhere that gets parsed when LW starts to determine the name/type of all these old/incomplete downloads. Can I at least view this file (what is it called), so I can have a list of everything I tried to get but couldnt'.

I don't know what happened here.
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