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Old October 16th, 2008
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Originally Posted by vaisforlovers View Post
Answers to System questions:
1 - Vista Premium with administrative privileges.
2 - windows firewall
5 - Satellite
6 - Linskys router
8 - connect from home
9 - LW 4.18 Java 1.6
11 - Hometown computing
12 - I FAILED THE TEST WITH ERROR "LW takes to long to open" what does this mean????
13 - Firewall detected what does this mean???
15 - Avast anti-virus,SpySweeper
14 - don''t know how router set up I added limewire to the firewall plus the port 65000
(a) hmm does not sound good. O.o Which model of Linksys router do you have if you can possibly find out? This might be very important.

(b) You are connected via satellite. Many if not most satellite services have restricted services. It looks like in this case they might be possibly blocking various (many) connection ports, thus only expecting you to be using your browser for the internet & not much more.

(c) try going to LW's menu bar, Tools > Options > Advanced > Firewalls & change both listening & connection ports to 6500 & set it to manual port forward. Then go to LW's menu bar, File -> Disconnect, wait a minute, then return to the menu & choose connect.
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