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Old October 19th, 2008
File_Girl71 File_Girl71 is offline
Join Date: October 10th, 2008
Location: Some place in Norway!
Posts: 234
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Jepp agree with you about to change the time permanently is of course no good....But it is allways a but,i locked into it last night and it seems the BearStarte is no longer working for me as it should-thats the reason why my pc was turn back in time...Not the installer,so i play around this littel bitt,and discover i actully could go back to normal date and year and BearShare did not work,so when i use it i can turn it back again and start where i left and the days seems counting down enny way!I never run the BearShare 24/7 enny way so mostly my pc will run normal date and year-But i will play littel with it for a wihle!Littel bitt FUNNY too...
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