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Old October 25th, 2008
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Angmar Angmar is offline
Servant of the Dark Lord
Join Date: August 22nd, 2005
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Have a talk with Kasperky labs then. The program continues to work fine with this component disabled/blocked. I didn't say it was sending bad data to trackers, I said it was sending hidden data (most likely phoning home to Mommy).

I see that Sleepless edited out my original comment, which was obviously about the hidden data being sent out. The attached image justifies my views. The old Azureus (not Vuze) did NOT get this message. What data is being sent I honestly don't know, but I for one try to keep any outgoing data strictly as needed, and apparently whatever data this is (again, probably phoning home) is not needed to interact with trackers as my program is working just fine.

Any pundits are free to do as you wish. Go ahead, let Vuze call home and tell them every file you've downloaded, legal or not. Be my ever loving guest. I have it blocked and will continue to do so.

As opposed to for all effective purposes deleting my post, why didn't you just add in your snide comment as opposed to trashing the original concept?
Attached Thumbnails
Downloading bitTorrent has hosts but 0KB/s-hidden-data-sending.jpg  

Last edited by Angmar; October 25th, 2008 at 08:20 AM.
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