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Old October 30th, 2008
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tmarti tmarti is offline
Join Date: October 27th, 2008
Posts: 3
tmarti is flying high
Default Lime-wire fails to install

I use AT&T exclusively. It discovers spyware that Ewido and SpyBot do not detect. I managed 1100 mixed OS computers (Apple and Windows) I tried all kinds of spyware detection programs, found SpyBot the best until I started using AT&T. The systems I use to manage were in a middle school and it gave me the best platform to test all kinds of software to keep systems up and running. I developed scripts to image systems and found that some spyware and viruses can not be removed. So backups to a 7 TeraByte setup and Ghost to re-image was a life safer. On site I used Sophos, Mc Afee and on Apple Sophos and Dans Guardian and found that for windows AT&T security suite is the solution.

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