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Old November 2nd, 2008
ladyracer ladyracer is offline
Join Date: November 2nd, 2008
Location: AZ
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ladyracer is flying high
Default User Accounts...sharing on C drive so both admin/users can view

I hope this makes sense, it's really an easy question (I would think).

On my computer we have 2 users, I'm the administrator and my boyfriend is just a seperate user. So he logs in to his account, sees his own desktop background, has his own preferences, etc. and vice versa. I downloaded and installed LimewirePro while logged into my account onto the C: drive, but I didn't have time to download any songs or anything at the time. He logged into his name on the computer and opened limewire and downloaded a bunch of music. I want to be able to view and access this music he downloaded when I go into limewire under my account. Right now it says I have no downloaded files, and I messed around with the settings and permissions and stuff but I can't figure it out. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and how to share the files just to another user account on the same computer? I don't think it would make sense to have to redownload all the same songs that are already somewhere on the computer.

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