To the Gnutella Forums snbforever.
Your Question has been, and will be, debated from here to eternity.
According to certain organizations and governments, NO it's Not legal.
Downloading ANY Copyrighted Material is Illegal.
The way I see it, Sharing is not Stealing. The Original Form of Entertainment or Software is still with the Original Artist, Author, Producer. Blah Blah Blah.
The Real Issue is with the BIG Money Recording Studios and Movie Producers thinking they aren't getting ALL of the Profits from the Crap being produced.
I downloaded a NEW release from a Very Popular Group this morning and I actually liked Two of the cuts on the whole album. Would I pay $12.00-$14.00 Dollars for that Piece of Crap ?? Yea Right. Not in a Million Years.
Even if we all go out and buy our favorite artist's releases, the actual artist's are only getting a fraction of the Profits. Most of the Money is going into the RIAA's pockets. Most Bands make their Money Touring.
I have actually Donated directly to some of the Bands just to make sure the RIAA doesn't get their hands on the Proceeds.
So the answer to your question is NO, It's not Legal to D/L Copyrighted Material.
Basically ANYthing that you can go out and Buy at any Retail Unit is Against the Law to D/L.