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Old November 7th, 2008
doc_holiday doc_holiday is offline
Join Date: November 7th, 2008
Posts: 5
doc_holiday is flying high
Question Fw isnt finding any where near the # of files lw did an hour ago.

I uninstalled lw and installed fw and put on the exact settings that were in lw, i tried searches i did in limewire to compare and some are alittle normal but others are barely anything if anything.

Heres my specs:
I connect from home using windows vista home premium 32 bit and windows firewall. I have a cable internet connection.
4 GB ddr2 dual channel ram, my hard drive has 382 GB left.
FrostWire 4.17.0 & Java 1.6.0_10
This is my first time running frostwire however i have been using limewire for a while now. I have tried this with my firewall on and off (both times the firewall indicator is on however i know there is no other firewall installed on the computer so thats not the problem.

anyways thank you for reading this long post, I really hope you can help or its back to lw i go.
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