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Old November 10th, 2008
dunepanda dunepanda is offline
Join Date: November 5th, 2008
Posts: 5
dunepanda is flying high

Originally Posted by Tribecca9 View Post
Sounds like you need a specific version of LW, PLUS the matching Java suite. Take that up with Lord of the Rings and i believe you can ace the problem. In this case does the Ap ever launch at all? (Menus at top,) or does it just report: wrong Java?

I'm glad you got two macs. I hope you got PhotoShop or some other graphic aps that allow you to fully enjoy them. I'm running this 400Mhz Blue G4 tower because it's fun, but it's nothing compared to mom's iMac in the other room. (Her's has 10.5, but what a drag, no Classic, and here I am still using Freehand 7. PShop 5.5, and Word 4.0, as shareware, circa 1991!)

Back on point, only one LW version runs on this OS-X10.3.9:
[ LWire 4.12.15 with Java 1.4.2 ]

You gotta dig through their older downloads to get it. Perhaps a refund is in order in your case if they don't have a similar older Pro version. Although it's very slow, this free version has more than met my needs.
Thanks, Tribecca9.
LW 4.12 was the one I started with and is the one I went back to. From reading the forum, I'm not the only one having trouble with the new PRO and Tiger.
This is 2nd time I tried to post a reply to your reply. Yeah, the reason it's "all macs all the time" in this house is because my husband is a graphic artist/editorial cartoonist/comicbook artist and I have always hated windows. Macs aren't quite the workhorse they used to be. My husband is stubborn and is still using OS 9 with old versions of Photoshop and Illustrator, although I have the CS versions. He just tweaks his art on the computer and adds lettering, preferring to draw everything by hand.
thanks again.
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