Hmm .. I have an idea .. of how to get more people working on the project
System administrators hate gnutella because it is so hard to block (the ones who know anything about it - the other ones think they just block 6346

If you go to some security/OS/firewall forum and say 'anyone want to write a module to control gnutella traffic' I bet you will get some responses.
The reason this is good is that to either allow or block the traffic requires the same thing - identifying the traffic.
This would be good because then your gnutella module will know what is gnutella traffic and what isn't, and so it will actually enhance useage for people who do use gnutella, by increasing their gnutella security and blocking abusive packets before they even reach the client, which may not handle bad packets properly.
I don't think I know enough to help you though, but I will be interested to see how the idea progresses.