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Old November 29th, 2008
mordred mordred is offline
Join Date: November 29th, 2008
Posts: 7
mordred is flying high
Default bad search results

I have simulair problems, i used lm for about 2 years now and it workt ok, but now when i enter a searc in stead of 120 results (for instance) only 10 r so, Dont know whythis happened al of a sudden. My comp is exactly teh same. Windows xp Servicepack 3.I use teh firewall of windows , i have Mcaffee(1 YEar) and it worked ok now like 1 month it died on me
I changed settings Uninstal reinstal etc, Nope nothing, Why o why al of a sudden this happened, Btw al of my search programs are running a o k.
And there r no provider issues (checked it) so my best guess is that the Gnutellanetwork is showing some issues. Plz help me out here Thx in advance.
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