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Old April 14th, 2002
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Rhohl Rhohl is offline
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
Location: Russell, ON. Canada
Posts: 57
Rhohl is flying high

If you just want to changethe LW downloads to iTunes
You could use this conversion program
iTune Associator 1.6 (freeware) 40k download
available from........
or from
(OSX is not supported by iTune Associator 1.6)

I've used Associator 1.6 to convert QuickTime and other mp3 audio files to iTunes,
works fine for me;
it can convert individual files or all (non-iTune) items in a folder...
just dump them (it) onto the Associator icon and they are now all iTune items.

Recently though, I set up LimeWire to "share" the iTunes Music folder
which already had all of my mp3's in it.
HD>documents>iTunes Music
Now, all of my LW mp3 downloads go there
and become iTune documents automatically (w/o using Associator).
They get added to my iTunes Library when I click on them for the first launch.

LW also sends my incomplete downloads to a
iTunes Music folder>incompletes
as iTune files which I can check for quality/or if they are OK for a future (complete) download.
And, unless I move the incompletes to the iTunes Music folder (I DON'T),
the incompletes show up in my iTunes player
but are NOT listed as "shared" files in LW.

AND WE DO NOT SHARE INCOMPLETES, DO WE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a Mac Performa 6360; OS 9.1; 80MGs RAM;
Stuck with a dial-up modem (NOTHING else available out here);
A("host computer is not responding/please sign on again")OL
for internet access (the wife loves AOL).
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