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Old December 8th, 2008
artraider18 artraider18 is offline
Join Date: December 8th, 2008
Posts: 2
artraider18 is flying high
Default I have conections problems too

I am new at LW. I followed the instructions to install the program.
And the program does open. But it does not conect. I have widows vista. Tried diferent things and still can not conect. It says I have a fire wall; I go there and disable the fire wall; and still no conection. LW keeps trying to cenect. But nothing happens. You think you can help? I will apreciate.
Thanks. Artraider18

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
When you downloaded Pro, you still have the installer right? I'm sure you were not silly enough to trash the installer you paid for.

If that's the case, then follow the advice here Reinstall options: since I can at least ascertain you are a 'windows' user & not linux or mac.

Yes that one off offer for pro does not include support unfortunately. BTW Pro support is reknown for being very slow, much faster responses are received here. But the point I was making is ... we cannot help greatly in some cases without system details, none of which you supplied.

(The Attachment below shows what you saw 'above' the post when you were attempting to create a new thread. And you get upset because we were you were 'still' stubborn not to read the rules despite them being 'in your face' several times.)
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