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Old December 9th, 2008
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Originally Posted by lwallgren View Post
I tried that several times as well as dumping the HD/Library/Receipts, the Application, LW off the download log...
Got any other ideas? Please?
I'm confused. A week ago you posted you were unable to open/launch LW. You also posted in this thread you were unable to connect. Which one is it?
Obviously if you cannot Launch LW you cannot connect. But if that's still the problem then you should be posting in the OSX installation section.

I am unable to launch LW 4.18 in my main account. I installed OSX on a different drive & installed LW 4.18 on there & it works fine. I just updated the OSX on that drive & LW still works fine. But I can only use an older version (4.16) on my main OSX drive.
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