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Old December 20th, 2008
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AOL are probably to blame: AOL killed your P2P yet? - Broadband Internet - Digital Spy Forums

Use the forum search to look for AOL & you'll find that other people are having the same problem. Also use Google to search & you'll probably find lots of info.

All I can suggest to you (apart from changing ISP) is
1. Try connecting to LW outside of AOL's peak hours.

2. Try changing ports. In LW go tools > options > advanced > firewall. Change LW's listening port to 65000 (or try any other ports in the range of 49152 - 65535) > apply > ok. If a specific port's allowed through a software firewall, or forwarded within a modem/router config - you'd need to change those rules for the new listening port (I realise you don't have port forwarding set up now, but if you ever did...).

3. Check out the tips here (mainly the first few posts by murasame): A few things to consider while configuring Limewire for optimal performance...
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