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Old December 22nd, 2008
jukester jukester is offline
Join Date: December 21st, 2008
Posts: 2
jukester is flying high
Default Downloaded mp3s look normal but won't play

This is a new problem. Been using Limewire for years and the downloaded mp3s always worked.

I can still download mp3s but, while they look like proper mp3 files in terms of the usual icon and the sizes showing as typical sizes, they will not play on any player, cannot be opened in a sound editor such as Sound Studio, nor be previewed from my hard drive. They do not show up in m iTunes (8.0.2) in the Limewire downloads and I cannot add then to my iTunes library.

I am using Mac OS 10.4.11 on a G4 733MHz PowerPC. I have 1.26 GB SDRAM.
I have 3.17G left on my start-up disk, 22G left on the disc I save downloads to.
Using a Primus (ISP) DSL connection at home through a Speedtouch Modem. Running Limewire 4.12.6 Java 1.5.0_16.

The test worked.

I am sharing what's in my downloads folder.

A firewall is detected. I recently changed my ISP from Sympatico to Primus. But I can still download the files, so surely that isn't the problem? Or can a firewall corrupt the files as they download?

I am not running any security software.

I live in Canada.
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