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Old January 3rd, 2009
ladyshadowmoon ladyshadowmoon is offline
Join Date: December 30th, 2008
Posts: 4
ladyshadowmoon is flying high

Originally Posted by birdy View Post
What was the fix for your connection problem? Did you update LW? Check out the thread below for more info... have a look in other default saving locations if you've updated LW. Or try using your computer's search to look for some of the missing file names. If worst comes to worst, the thread below has a link to file recovery advice.
If you've updated LW and can't find your downloads!

Providing you weren't saving downloads to LW's program files, or within C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Limewire, there's no reason why downloads would be lost.

LW's default location for saving is a 'safe' one, so that people don't end up losing their downloads after uninstalling LW or deleting LW's preferences folder

I had to go into the pref folders and delete it and then reboot the computer and connectivity was fixed but all my files are gone from LW. There not gone from my computer just from the LW...I have tried going into the tools\options\add sharing and when I do that LW isnt finding my shared music folder but I can find it from my start menu and pull the folder up and all my music is still there but for some reason I cant find it on the LW add shared music option..Im totally frustrated!!! Its taken me days to get the connectivity issue fixed and now I just want to get the Library fixed and not sure how to do it. Have had LW for years Pro and the basic programs, at a loss and totally frustrated! My pc is running Vista and I hate Vista...Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
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