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Old January 5th, 2009
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nicmat00826 nicmat00826 is offline
Join Date: January 5th, 2009
Location: Louisiana, USA
Posts: 6
nicmat00826 is flying high

hi. i have a question about putting a song from limewire into windows media player. can i just drag & drop those files? i'm using a new compaq laptop w/ windows vista. also do u know anything about syncing/ putting audio media files onto a cell phone. i'm trying 2 transfer the limewire audio file 2 windows media player so that when i put it on my phone i can use it as a ringtone. but it has to have the windows media player symbol n front of it. the last time i put a song on my phone from windows media player (which i did transfer 2 windows media player from limewire but now i can't remember how) it didn't have the symbol n front of it so it wouldn't let me use it as a ringtone. (i have an at&t 8525 smartphone if that helps u.) i'd appreciate any help u can give me. thanx

Post merged to avoid confusion - please keep all your posts about the same topic in one thread

Last edited by birdy; January 5th, 2009 at 06:06 PM. Reason: Merging post
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