Need help connecting!!!!!!!!!!!!! HI. I have read HUNDREDS of postings and tried deleting the folder off the preference folder and everything suggested that I could understand. I am not a computer wiz, but an average user and, as the name suggests, I AM NEW TO MAC!!!! Here is the run down of my situation>
- Have a new macbook laptop connected to a PC via Wireless N connection. The router is Linksys N Ultra Range Plus;
- Operating Mac OS X 10 (the newest one whatever it is);
- finally downloaded Lime Wire and now all I get is one bar. I am not evern sure that there is a connection listed because when I get it to show me all connections I dont see one there and it asks me for a username on the connection window. IT does give me a proxy number automatically. I tried my security password and other names attached to my wireless connection. Nothing works;
- I got it so that connecting has to be done manually and I also disabled the pop up window with the tips (as suggested in some postings).
Can one of you computer and limewire wizes help me in PLAIN ENGLISH!
Most postings go over my head!!!!
Thanks thanks thanks thanks! |