Message: "Limewire cannot play file XXX... It's been a while since I have used lime wire so please forgive me if this topic has been discussed. If so, could someone direct me to the appropriate thread?
LOTR, you've been here in service to the LW community for a long time! I just want to say thank you for your tireless efforts!!!!!
The Problem:
Every file I download using LW will not open. I get the message: Limewire canot play the file blah/blah/blah . There is an unkown error with the (audio) file. This message comes up for any audio file I look at. I cannot play the file with the LW preview player and the file does not show up in my itunes like it used to. Any help or links to further discussions on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
I'm running LW 4.10.9 pro on a G5 iMac OSX v.10.5.6 that has itunes 8.0.2 (but I cant play the audio file with the LW player anyway)
Thanks for any assistance!
Last edited by mharing; January 7th, 2009 at 03:09 PM.