Originally Posted by cuze ok i read that but i had the most up to date version of limewire and all of my songs were saved to saved instead of shared...but the thing is they were all in my library..i re installed and they were gone..i did the share thing and they still arent in my library anywhere so i mean idk wut to do and its pissing me off cuz i want to edit the songs and download more and make sure i dont make like copy's cuz i gotta put them on my ipod |
The new saved folder locations:
4.16.1 onwards
C:\Documents & Settings\username\My Documents\LimeWire\Saved The new shared folder locations:
4.16.1 onwards
C:\Documents & Settings\username\My Documents\LimeWire\Shared
ASPER the link I provided you -- this is where your songs are now located -- open limewire -- click on library -- saved files
-- open limewire -- click on library -- shared files
Also check
this link by birdy