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Old January 21st, 2009
annie82 annie82 is offline
Join Date: January 21st, 2009
Posts: 2
annie82 is flying high
Unhappy I'm new. don't know macbooks well. having trouble installing pro and already had basic.

(mac os x. I've done all the software updates on it.)
I may be in the wrong section here but I had limewire basic that worked fine.
it all started when my comp hard drive was full, so i deleted limewire completley along with other random things pics etc. now that i have enough space again i decided to purchase pro. THE PROBLEM IS when i'm in the very last part of installation i click on install it says "cannot install because there is nothing to install" I've tried downloading it a bunch of times over and over too and it's always the same thing.

what does this mean? did i delete too much when i deleted limewire the first time? help!
HAS ANYONE HAD THE SAME ISSUE? CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE! that would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance

Last edited by annie82; January 21st, 2009 at 05:35 PM.
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