Originally Posted by nobudycool Windows Vista believe I have AUA
HP computer firewall
Actiontec modem model gt701-wg
house wireless connection
4.18 LW 1.6.0_11 Java
MSN Through Qwest
did test = worked
sharing with main computer (mine is a laptop)
Yes, wall but hasn't hindered before
wireless assuming forewarding
Avast! (problem was there before I aquired, but I have turned it off and problem persists)
I couldn't figure how to "fill out" the form, so, 1-10 answered here  |
most if not all modem/routers have a firewall -- please ensure that this is configured to allow LW full access to your computer. If your avast has a firewall switch off/disable your vista firewall -- if it's only a antivirus program switching it on/off wont make any difference what so ever to LW connection problems -- but it will make a lot of difference to your computer -- leave it enabled at all times. have you tried this -- In
Limewire Links (below) click on (If LW will not connect) and go through these fixes -- Try one fix at a time --- do them in this order:-
Check your firewall, Delete/Replace gnutella.net File, Delete Limewire's Preference Folder -- if still not working go
back to the top and do the rest of the fixes.
NOTE: [1] when you replace the gnutella.net file with a new one check the filesize --
The download size from mediafire (gnutella.net) is 25.37kb -- if smaller download another gnutella.net file.
[2] The Preference Folder is another name for Limewire Folder.