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Old January 23rd, 2009
Unfortunate Accident Unfortunate Accident is offline
Join Date: June 28th, 2008
Posts: 3
Unfortunate Accident is flying high


I finally removed the WALL!!

I don't know if it was my haste in repeating the process but, in the "Port Forwarding for the 2 Wire 2701HG-B" link, you first provided.

I filled in the "Enter Port Here" (shown below) with the #'s I entered in LW's "Manual Port Forward" and "Listen on Port"(which I may have missed other times)
LimeWire's Port for incoming connections [Enter Port Here]

I then continued through the steps until I got to the "Edit Application" part (shown below).

Entered "Limew1" as the "Application Name".

Then in the "Port (or Range): From: To: " part, (shown below).
I noticed the same #'s I used to fill in LW's "Manual Port Forward" and "Listen on Port" filled in. Which were not there the other times and would explain the "ERROR An unkown error has occurred" message.

After clicking the "ADD DEFINITION" button (shown above) and completing the remaining steps.
I restarted LW and BAM!! No more WALL!!!

Also, I enabled Windows firewall then disabled McAfee firewall and that did not effect the outcome.

I never had a problem downloading or direct-connecting with others with the wall on but, I'm sure that was not the case for people trying to direct-connect to or download from me.
Now, I will feel better knowing I can share my music library, which I owe part to the LW community.

Again, Thank You BIRDY!!!
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