Moak your ideals for gnutella are just your ideals.. You dont own the network as much as the next guy. Posts like this, blaming all the popular programs, and other tyrates dont help no matter how much you claim to have done for guntella. The fact that you do nothing to improve the network but instead just bashings against a few programs where you want to split the network apart and encrouage developers to not work with eachother in improving gnutella which is really in everyone's best interest.
Your ideals is really just the same vague description over and over which you use in threads like this where you bash programs and the current network. Not once have you actually proved your ideals.
So instead of the bashing against programs and the network as it is today please post how wonderful your ideal will be and what it would mean for the guntella and most importantly why do you think it will work? Whats the incentive for developers? and what direction does it take gnutella? Please provide some actualy data and examples to support your ideals.
Also without bashing other programs, developers or the gdf explain how gnutella has gotten worst from a year ago? Please explain that to me because IMHO gnutella has gotten alot better..
Do i think you will actually finally post what your "ideals" will mean for gnutella no. I expect you and your groupies to post some insults, call me a troll and etc.. Which make me wonder if your "great" ideals really exist at all. |