(adapted from this thread:
http://www.gnutellaforums.com/featur...p-vendors.html )
Hi ToNneTje,
"Do you build your Phex from subversion?"
No. Even building Phex from subversion sounds difficult to me.
I'm using Ubuntu 8.10.
Since you're using GNU/Linux, it really isn't hard
You just need to open a terminal and do the following few steps.
First step: Getting subversion (for downloading the code) and maven (to build phex):
sudo apt-get install subversion maven2
Second step: Getting the phex code:
svn co https://phex.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/phex/phex/trunk phex
Third step: Building and Running Phex:
cd phex
That's it, you can now always run the bleeding edge version of Phex via the following command (in the phex folder):
svn update ; ./build-and-run
Voilą, your own bleeding edge Phex version
Notice: Even if ubuntu switches to OpenJDK, you should be able to use sun-jdk (I use it on my Gentoo box):
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
The package is in multiverse, though:
Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- sun-java6-jdk