ok first things first, i have been trying for the longest to get frostwire install and nothing.im ready to pull my hair out. to answer your basic questions:
i have yellow dog linux 6 i belive it is based off of (fedora core 6) so for this post lets just say i have fedora core 6
i have java-ppc-60 installed (from the ibm site)
java has been installed tested and working (thats a fact)
now that you know that basics ill get to the problem
what i do is i go to the frostwire site and i go to download and i select the redhat/fedora package and i open it with software installer and it installs. if i go to apps>internet>frostwire here is what i get
Error Information:
An exit code of 1 was returned from /usr/bin/frostwire.
Output Data:
HOSTNAME IS localhost.localdomain
Starting FrostWire...
Java exec found in PATH. Verifying...
OOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. FrostWire works best with Sun JRE available at
java.com: Java + You
OOPS, unable to locate java exec in /usr/lib/ hierarchy
You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from
java.com: Java + You
OOPS, unable to locate java exec in /usr/java/ hierarchy
You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from
java.com: Java + You
OOPS, unable to locate java exec in /opt/ hierarchy
You need to upgrade to JRE 1.5.x or newer from
java.com: Java + You
Error Logs:
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
sh: unpack200: command not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/frostwire/unpack200.py", line 58, in ?
File "/usr/lib/frostwire/unpack200.py", line 17, in makeHashes
output = file('hashes','w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'hashes'
ls: /usr/java/j*: No such file or directory
ls: /opt/j*: No such file or directory
.................................................. .....
i have been trying to get this working for the longest and nothing. people have it installed so i no its possible.
can ANYBODY with fedora give me step y step instructions on how to install it properly? or on how to get the error messages fixed