Limewire not only offers a "user's manual" link that shows screenshots/instructions for version 4.16 - so it's NO help at all! - but has done away with the option to "Download As" for any files that come in to the search results window pane.
So, the user must download those files that come in to their search results with whatever name they've already been given by whomever put them out on the Internet.
As we all know, many files on the Interent are mislabeled, or have names that go on and on and on.
Therefore, being able to "Download As" for any file, so the user can modify any file's name BEFORE downloading it, is a HUGE plus!
It makes no sense that this option was removed from version
Also, to have access to an "options" tree column, so Limewire's download, upload, sharing, searching, and ALL of its other settings, source file selections, etc., can be customized by the user, from one place, needs to be restored in the user-friendly way it is set up in version 4.18.8.
Limewire is not only lacking options that previous versions had, but it is exceptionally unfriendly/non-intuitive to use, especially when the help section offers instructions for version 4.16 - at least two version old!
Lastly, before I dumped version in favor of 4.18.8, I saw that had seperate windows to view the search results and select files for download, and the window where one could see those files they selected actually being downloaded.
Previous Limewire versions have a split screen that first shows the files that come in from any search, or searches - each search conveniently named and tabbed at the top of the window pane - and then opens a split screen window at the bottom when files are selected for downloading, so the search results can be seen, scrolled through, navigated between tabs, etc., and file selections can be made from any tabbed search results window for downloading, while downloads selected from any and all of the tabbed search results can be seen - in progress - at the bottom in the same window, rather than having to switch back-and-forth, as in version
If version fixes certain technical issues - GREAT - but there's NO NEED to completely restructure/rewrite the interfaces/options, etc., within it, especially in such a user-hostile way, with NO useable tech support/user manual links that are up-to-date, even for version 4.18.8!
Take version back to the drawing board, and update your "user manuals" link to include not only v4.16, but v4.18.8, as well as v5.0.1.1, so they're all available for users who've made choices as to which version of Limewire they want to use, as I've done here, when I found out what a prematurely-released lemon Limewire was.