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Old February 5th, 2009
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Originally Posted by njdj609 View Post
they don't show up for other people though...

& i have them in my shared folder
How are you so certain they do not show up for other people?

Which version of LW are you using?

LW was designed not to find the user's own shared files on their computer in a gnutella search.

For music, best way to make them more visible to others is to give them a very good description. If you have an mp3 id3 tagger then use that. Else you can use description adding in LW. Tips here: How to Share Folders (click on link) - check the sub-links. This has not been updated for LW 5 users yet, but most of the same principles apply for description adding. Adding id3 tags & descriptions means some of those details will be tagged & help the file to be found.

Whether using LW 4 or 5, right-click top of heading bar (top of columns) & choose show Hits, Uploads & Attempted Uploads in p2p & library windows in LW 5, and Library window in LW 4. Hits will tell you how many people have found those files in their searches. Uploads are obviously uploads. Attempted Uploads is where they uploaded part of the file & either dropped off or obtained the remainder of the file from another source.

Are you certain the files are actually being shared? In LW 4 Library window they will be coloured black if shared (red means not shared). In LW 5, a number next to share will show in Library window. And the p2p window will have a tick next to the file if shared.
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