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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2009
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Downloading copyright material is not allowed in most countries however, how your particular country views such is something you'd need to investigate personally. If you wish to take the risk that is a personal decision.

Many people turn off the license warning. lol Just makes it so much easier; License requirement (click on link)

Yes the new LW 5 is only compatible with the newer intel macs that are running Leopard OSX 10.5. This is a little confusing because mac has sold intel macs now for a few years but only the ones with 64-bit technology are compatible. Which means some intel laptops are not compatible & perhaps some of the early intel iMacs. Exactly which models I'm not sure about. Java 64-bit is the key issue which only runs in Leopard or later & on compatible mac machines.
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