Originally Posted by musicislife Hi, i just had my toshiba laptop reimaged and put limewire pro 4.12.3 on it. it usually works fine but it won't connect, it just keeps saying starting connection. i have checked my firewalls and added it as an exception. i have also replaced the file gnutella.net. what do i do?
- Maddy |
In Limewire Links (below) click on (If LW will not connect) and go through these fixes -- Try one fix at a time --- do them in this order:-
1. Check your firewall.
2. Delete/Replace gnutella.net file
3. Delete Preference Folder (otherwise known as the Limewire folder)
4. Update java
5. Change listening port
6. Go through the rest of the fixes.
if after all of this your problem remains click on (system details) fill in and post back here
I know you have done para 2. but do it again please