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Old February 14th, 2009
Tamat Tamat is offline
Join Date: February 14th, 2009
Posts: 1
Tamat is flying high
Default Would like some help please (general questions about using LW)

While I know how to download a song, I would like some further assistance. I'll detail them below. Thanks
1. What exactly do the menus mean? EG: #, ?, licence etc. Some are self explanitory, but just some more about them would be good.
2. I would like to listen to a song before I download it. Is this possible? I click on the player at the bottom right but nothing happens. It's definately enabled, but not working?
3. I want to burn songs to a cd for the car. I know limewire does not do this. What version should I download to do this? I obviously need to convert them from mp3 I think? They play on the computer but not in the car. Or is there a particular one to download that will play in the car?
4. What ones should I be looking for to download that will be the best quality?
I think that's all for now. Many thanks.
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