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Old February 14th, 2009
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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1. How do you know they are ultrapeers trying to upload? Ultrapeers are users you connect to in order to connect to the network. Without ultrapeers you will not connect to the gnutella network. That's how it works. LW basic users connect to 3 UP's, Pro uses to 5. Those who are lucky enough to run in UP mode can connect to many more.

2. When you first install LW you are given options for setting which folders to share or not. There is a Remove link beside each location. Perhaps you missed that option. Depending on which version of LW you are using, I presume v.5 since you didn't say; (click on link)

3. NEVER use the Add/Remove Control panel to remove LW. The uninstall option is via Start menu -> All Programs -> LimeWire -> Uninstall. (This will not remove preferences folder or downloads folders.) Using the Add/Remove control panel will result in an incomplete uninstallation.

4. Under Tools menu on menu bar, you will see option to see Downloads & Uploads windows.

5. I have no idea why you wish to 'block' people uploading from you. This is a p2p network; p2p = person to person sharing. If nobody was sharing files, there would be no files in your search results. It would be an empty network.

See information in the link I posted about knowing which files are shared & not shared. From Library window, those with Shared (1) beside them are being shared. Those files with no 1 after them, Shared are not being shared. In the p2p Network window, files that are shared have a tick beside them. Those not shared do not have a tick beside them.

* Good to see you have Norton AV. Other good tools to have are listed near top of page in point #3 here WARNING: Viruses on network you should be aware of! (click on blue link)
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