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Old February 17th, 2009
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Not for Microsoft software programs such as Word. If you were using Office 98, they would not give you a free upgrade to Office 2004. They might have updates for Office 98 or whatever. That's what I meant. This is normal for internet software companies.

As for scam sites advertising via google & other means ... yes there are many, many of them illegally selling software in breach of copyright. If it were Microsoft or Adobe instead of LW they would not be so brave. Otherwise they'd be not only sued multi millions but put behind bars very quickly. How many websites in USA do you know of where you can get Microsoft or Adobe programs which are not from the official company. LimeWire doesn't seem to have quite the same push due to lack of funds for legal issues. However they have closed down many illegal sites offering so-called unlimited LW pro.

That's just how it is. And the LW pro pay page has not changed that much in past 5 years since I've seen it. Some alternate offer options but still the default offer of Pro for 6 months support & updates.

LW Pro helps support the company to provide LW Basic for free. Originallly LW Basic had adverts in it to help pay for it. They removed those when Pro was introduced.

The advantages of Pro are subtle, not major.
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