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Old March 1st, 2009
trevorgillies trevorgillies is offline
Join Date: March 1st, 2009
Posts: 7
trevorgillies is flying high
Default How To Upload Files FASTER


I have a server on a 100Mbit/sec line running Limewire Pro.

I've set the settings all to maximize uploading.

From my home computer (in a different city) I then opened Limewire, and downloaded some files from my server. The files from my server came in at about 50kbit/sec. From my same home computer, I downloaded files from someone else's server and their files came in at 500-1000 kbit/sec.

Way faster...ten times faster. Basically to get a 5MB file it only took 5 seconds!

How do I get my server to be able to deliver files faster? Do I simply need to get a 1000Mbit/sec line?

Any ideas?
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