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Old April 19th, 2002
Quintessence22 Quintessence22 is offline
Join Date: April 19th, 2002
Posts: 2
Quintessence22 is flying high
Cool Network reach experiment

Hey, somebody want to do an experiment on the Gnutella network with me?

I don't have a clue if this experiment is relevant at all to prove or disprove Gnutella's abilities, but anyway here's the idea.

Somebody create a text file (or other type of file) and call it a specific name that we'll both agree on. The name has to be cryptic, maybe long, and probably randomly created so that it is unique.

The file will be placed in the shared directory of someone who lives very far away from me. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. So maybe if someone living in... Russia? or South Africa?... shares that uniquely named file, I can search for it and try to download it. I want to try this at different times of the day, like the working hours of Canada and the working hours in Europe.

Then we can post the results here!
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