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Old May 17th, 2005
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Default How to use Bitzi Web Lookup ...

Here's an option which can help people find whether there are good or bad reports about a particular file. And if there is no feedback about a particular file, we would hope people will post their findings to help others.

Right-click (mac use control-click) on the file in the search results & choose Advanced -> Bitzi Web lookup & your browser will open. If there's any info about it then it will show you. Users report whether a file is good or bad. I recommend you also add feedback to help Bitzi be more efficient. They need as much input as possible. You can also search the Bitzi site. (Edit: the magnet links at bitzi are either too old or not totally compatible with gnutella! So don't even try them!)

BTW I've added the newer location of finding Bitzi search option in the 2nd attachment image (as I noted at lower down in this thread.)
LimeWire 5 users see post #6 below about how to use Bitzi lookup

Attached Thumbnails
How to use Bitzi Web Lookup .. & How to use Magnet Links & Direct Connect/Browse/Chat-bitzi-select-c.gif   How to use Bitzi Web Lookup .. & How to use Magnet Links & Direct Connect/Browse/Chat-bitzi-lookup-search.gif