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Old March 5th, 2009
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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If you wish to use an alternative audio program to test your audio downloads, I would highly recommend VOX. It can play lots more audio types & formats than iTunes can or even LW media player can. It's a good player to use to check to see if audio files are good or not or fake/corrupt, etc. Find Vox on this list: Alternate Audio Players & support plug-ins. You need to (a) Disable LW media player as 6_pac suggested to play media. And (b) Make Vox your default audio player; How to change default program in OSX (click on blue link). You'd need to do this for all audio formats including mp3, m4a, etc. (examples of how to change default program are (1) video & (2) torrent program, however same principle applies to audio files; command i on each type of audio file will get you to information window & ability to change player for that type of file.)
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