Very definitely!
I started using LW on dial up 6-7 years ago. lol

It was a major struggle. Learnt tricks along the way. But then I upgraded to 256/64 kbps. Then up higher ... about 2 MB. Since improvements in the lines it's even higher now, sometimes getting download speeds beyond 1 MB/s. However my uploads are limited to around 100 KB/s which is disappointing. My country has one of the biggest differences between uploading & downloading speeds in the world. I read where uploading is more technically difficult. But still not sure how some countries do better than others. I'm sure ISP's play some guilty part there somewhere.
BTW my ISP does not advertise it's bandwidth speed. Only their bandwidth total limits per month. However I was told by their techs that the actual speed is around 24 MBps. But that very few people would get even close to those speeds due to many reasons such as using old lines along the way, & distance between user & ISP (which is in another state to me.)