Threads are easy to move. The persons who post to it retain their subscription to it so it can be found easily. When later posts are removed from threads, the user loses their subscription & would have problems locating it. For that reason, I felt it was better to solve the issue before the posts are removed from the thread & placed elsewhere.
It is by default that users cannot delete their own accounts on this forum software. It is not possible for them to do so.
We prefer members not deleting posts because this forum is like a library for others to seek information. If a member has posted very helpful information to another member & that person deletes their own threads & posts, then it is a waste.
I edited in a link earlier which showed the admins, & I suggested PMing Birdy. All you'd need to do is specify what you wished after clicking on her name & choosing send Personal Message from her profile.

Besides, I did earlier send her a PM re: this issue.
And yes, we are presently discussing between the mods & admins about changing the default Titles. Something more interesting for users. But in any case, any member can change their title themselves & create a custom title. Just like I did.

To do that you go to User Control Panel, Edit Profile link from left side of page.

At present, 0-29 posts = Junior Member, 30 is Member, 100 is Senior Member. This is the default for all vBulletin forums. We'd be happy for your suggestions for titles in that thread. We want member input since this will be for them, not us.
Likewise you can add avatars from the forum to your user profile. Even add a custom one (eg: my penguins).